Internet Safety Tips

Learn how to Protect Your Family

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The threat of Internet crime is a serious concern. Unfortunately, criminals have caught up with technology and a variety of Internet crimes are occurring regularly against adults and children. First Alert Professional is committed to public safety. A Plus Security can provide you with Internet Safety materials for you to share with your family.

Online Shopping

When shopping online, here are some tips to remember:

  • Make sure the browser you currently use is a secure browser. On most browser toolbars, you will find a “Tools” section. Click on this section and find the “Security” Tab. Enter in the level of security you want the browser to contain. Install security updates as they are made available.
  • Check the site you plan to shop at to ensure it is a secure site; a “lock” icon on the screen will inform you that you are at a secure site.
  • Do not give out passwords, social security numbers or personal bank account information.
  • Pay by credit card.
  • Keep a record of all transactions.

Online Shopping concept

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Kids & the internet

The Internet can be a fun and educational resource for children. As a parent, you should communicate with your children on what is acceptable and what is not when your child is online. By speaking with your children about the Internet, you are helping to empower them against the potential dangers lurking on the Internet.

To help protect your child:

  • Monitor your child’s use on the Internet.
  • Teach your child not to give out personal information.
  • Use filtering software.
  • Check the lists of sites that may advocate child abuse or pedophilia by searching on the
  • CyberAngels web site (

Email Icon

E-mail Safety

E-mail is an easy and affordable way to stay in touch with relatives, keep up to date with friends and communicate with business associates. Unfortunately, the increased incidents of crime involving e-mail are on the rise. In addition to scams, computer viruses are another rising threat involving e-mail.

Here are some simple rules to follow in protecting yourself when using e-mail:

  • If you do not recognize the sender of the email, do not open it. Simply delete the message.
  • Check with your Online Service Provider about their rules and regulations regarding unwanted e-mails, or if they offer a way to “block” unwanted email.
  • If you receive an e-mail of a violent or offensive nature, report it to your Internet Service Provider.
  • If the problem persists, contact your local law enforcement agency.

hands on a laptop

Chat room

Chat rooms can be a fun experience. You can share views on politics, TV shows, music, etc. However, you should exercise caution when participating in chats.

Be sure to log into a chat room using an alias as opposed to your user name. Also, do not give out personal information, such as your address, place of employment, etc. Keep in mind that the person you are speaking to is a stranger and may not be who he or she claims they are. Do not answer Instant Messages unless they are from someone you know.

The Internet has opened up many possibilities. Along with this progress come safety concerns. We hope you find these tips useful in helping to protect you and your family. By practicing some of the safety tips mentioned, you may reduce the risk of becoming victimized by the dangers that lurk in cyberspace.